Oppo Watch
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Oppo has today revealed that digital-natives feel empowered by a ‘quick win’ approach to health and fitness by using technology to help them enhance a positive mindset. New research reveals that 16-34-year olds prefer a timesaving approach to fitness to support their mental wellbeing, with a third (28%) of respondents opting for 5-minute workouts over hour-long commitments.

Oppo Watch

With 62% of 16-34-year-olds reporting to feel happier and able to mentally handle more in their day when carrying out short bursts of exercise throughout their week, it is evident that they value the benefits of fitness on mental health. Maintaining positive mental wellbeing is at the forefront of Gen Z and Millennials’ personal priorities, with almost half (48%) of this age bracket claiming to have increased energy and alertness post-workout.


The pandemic has revealed the importance of taking care of your mental health, with people naturally turning to fitness to keep spirits high and relieve feelings of stress and anxiety. Gen Z and Millennials have embraced technology as an integral part of their wellbeing regimes by tracking their physical activity and sleep patterns to ensure they are in tune with their mind and body’s rhythms.


Wellness and fitness influencer Zanna Van Dijk, says: “We need to release the pressure to do long, arduous workouts. Studies suggest that short bursts of exercise have the same benefits as longer workouts. If you’ve been sitting at your desk for hours, five minutes of movement can do wonders for your body and mind, elevating your heart rate and clearing your headspace. Set a timer on your OPPO Watch and work through a series of bodyweight exercises like lunges, squats, jumping jacks and high knees. It all adds up!”


“Moving our bodies every day is essential to support wellbeing. That doesn’t mean intense HIIT circuits seven days a week, but simply going outdoors for a walk and moving our bodies, even if only for a few minutes, is enough to have a positive impact on your health. It supports the heart, strong joints, brain function, stress reduction and sleep quality. It also releases tension and gives your mind a break – the list of benefits is endless. Set regular reminders on your OPPO Watch to get up and move for 1-2 minutes. You will find that your body and mind thank you, and your productivity and focus will most likely increase!”


“Sleep is the often neglected pillar of health, the one we all put on the back burner and push to the side, not realising how essential it is. A good night’s sleep improves attention and concentration, reduces stress, supports the immune system and aids physical recovery from exercise. The quantity of sleep we need varies per person, but a great starting point is aiming for a minimum of 7-9 hours a night – you can monitor your sleep with the OPPO Watch. To help foster deeper uninterrupted sleep, create a regular sleep routine, reduce screen time in the hour before bed and avoid caffeine after 11 am.”


The OPPO Watch is the ideal wellness companion, featuring 5-minute workouts and real-time exercise tracking for running, walking, cycling and swimming. It features always-on heart-rate and sleep tracking, making it simpler to follow daily progress. The watch provides breathing exercises and a ‘get-up’ feature to encourage users to put their wellness first.

OPPO Watch 41mm (BT) – RRP £229, available in Black, Silver or Rose Gold from OPPO’s e-commerce store and Amazon:  

  • With targeted work-out modes, five exercise sensors and a GPS + GLONASS navigation system, the OPPO Watch is your  go-to wellness buddy
  • All-new Watch VOOC Flash Charging means charging the OPPO Watch to full charge only takes 75 minutes
  • At the touch of a button, change the strap to suit your style. Change the Watch Face to match your outfit with the HeyTap Health App

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