Huawei unveils how technology could change the world 2025 1
0 8 mins 5 yrs

Today Huawei reveals some of the biggest cultural and societal changes that could occur in our day-to-day lives by 2025. In partnership with renowned futurist, Rohit Talwar, Huawei has unveiled what could become a reality across key aspects of everyday life as a result of technological innovations in key areas such as 5G, The Internet of Things (IOT), artificial intelligence (AI), and connected technologies.

Huawei unveils how technology could change the world 2025 2

Technology has evolved at an incredible pace over the last decade, and what used to be considered futuristic and almost impossible to fathom, has today become an integral part of our everyday lives. Over the next five years, we will experience a whole host of new and exciting developments that will enable fundamental societal shifts – as we say goodbye to Friday night takeaways, swiping right on dating apps, endless holiday planning, and sick days. Technological innovation will facilitate incredible possibilities, including celebrity butler bots, AI dating automation, and advanced virtual assistants – that will change life as we know it, and reshape every aspect of our future world for the better.


Huawei worked in partnership with Rohit Talwar, CEO of Fast Future, leading foresight research, education, consulting, and publishing firm to develop these findings, based on cutting edge insights – to help inspire people to explore the incredible potential of technology in the future.


Rohit Talwar, Futurist and CEO of Fast Future added: “Across technologically mature economies, we are seeing the emergence and coming together of increasingly powerful, exponentially advancing technologies with the potential to reshape every aspect of human activity by 2025. I’m excited to see the results of Huawei’s investment to pioneer developments in critical areas such as 5G communications, connected devices, and artificial intelligence – and how these technologies can combine to enable previously unimaginable societal shifts and exciting possibilities for the future.”


Looking forward, Huawei reveals the everyday activities that we could wave goodbye to in 2025, as technology opens up a brand-new world of future possibilities:


Everyday Activity Future Development

1. Food & Dining:


The Friday night takeaway will be replaced by celebrity chef butler bots, powered by our smartphones.



Sensors built into autonomous cooking utensils will allow meals to be cooked in the precise manner of your favourite chef.


When it comes to cleaning up, butler bots, facilitated by advancements in AI and 5G connectivity, will eliminate routine time-consuming tasks – including laying the table and washing up.



2. Entertainment:


Queues be gone! Flying food deliveries & real-time queue info to become a reality.



With the emergence of high-speed 5G connectivity, live entertainment experiences will become stress-free for both consumers and event teams.


Drones will enable us to no longer queue for facilities, and remove the risk of losing our spot in the crowd –because everything from personalised goods, through to hot dogs and beer, will be delivered to us via smartphone requests and drone deliveries



3. Travel:


Endless scrolling for the perfect holiday will soon disappear.



Finding the perfect holiday will now be easier than ever. Forget scrolling through endless webpages, thanks to AI, searching will now be eliminated. Instead, AI will find and curate the perfect experience through learned behaviours –such as the holiday images you have positively responded to on photo-sharing platforms, as well as your continually evolving reactions to the world around you.



4. Dating:


2025 signals the end of swiping right, as apps become fully automated using AI.


The next five years will see AI and enhanced smartphone tech drive dating to a whole new level.


Our health, attitudes, behaviours –on and off-line –combined with our communication styles, likes, dislikes, desires and dreams will enable a constantly updated profile, automatically matched to other app subscribers to save time on scanning and swiping profiles.


5. Health & Wellness:


Pulling a sickie will become a thing of the past.



With our smartphones now helping us to maintain better overall health, as well as tracking our vitals, the ubiquitous ‘stomach bug’ may become a forgotten illness.


Health monitoring sensors will increasingly be IoT connected, as well as wearable and embedded in objects across the smart home, office, and patient’s bedside. The resulting health data will be crunched in real-time to determine a diagnosis, medication, prognosis, care instructions, notifications, and alerts.



6. The Workplace:


Bid farewell to bad jobs, by carving out the perfect career path.



AI could proactively scan the job market for new opportunities and automatically construct our CV, to perfectly convey our suitability for the role. This will allow people the opportunity to work in the right role for them, based on their current abilities, interests and development goals –in turn leading to better job performance and productivity.



7. Leisure Time:


Forget millennial fatigue, technology will allow us to reclaim our free time in the future.



More free time! With AI, drones and domestic robots taking on more tasks at home from cleaning and washing clothes, through to compiling tax returns and planning trips.


Instead, free time can be invested in learning to sing, composing music and acquiring new languages –all under the careful guidance of an unwaveringly supportive and enthusiastic AI tutor, with infinite patience.



8. Friends & Family:


Distance won’t be an issue when it comes to meeting up, with 5G allowing us to spend more time together.



Immersive and connected technologies could help us to take part in virtual celebrations with friends and family across the world. Video calls will evolve through AR to allow you to experience multi-sensory communication with family even from thousands of miles away.


By 2025, technology will enable immersive family experiences.



9. Communication:


Embarrassing autocorrect fails will be replaced with accurate smartphone messaging.



Advancements in AI will automatically correct spelling and grammar errors, replacing the traditional way we compose and check text and email messages.


Our devices will also learn our behaviours and the emotions associated with our choice of words and patterns of breathing and speaking.





10. Fashion & Beauty:


Say goodbye to expensive cosmetics – mood lighting will enhance our natural beauty.


Instead of relying on manual forms of personal care and makeup application, smart interconnected homes will be programmed through our devices, to ensure we look our best at all times, using lighting and ambience controls to create the perfect environment moment by moment.


We may invite a date for dinner and based on tracking our heart rate, stress levels or temperature our connected home will choose the most flattering lights for the evening or create the right mood to complement style choice.



Justin Costello, Huawei Director of Marketing for UK and Ireland, said: “We believe in innovating to make the world a better place. We are committed to enhancing the way in which consumers experience the world around them through our range of innovative connected devices and via our ongoing software innovation. These bold future scenarios highlight significant cultural shifts enabled by advancements in technology, which we believe will positively benefit all aspects of our modern-day lives – including the way we date, travel, work, and play.”

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