NRG Space drink
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Have you ever wondered what food tastes like in space? We’ve all seen those little silver packs of freeze-dried dinners, trying their best to masquerade as Sausage, Mash and Gravy when actually the contents rather resemble flavoured sand. Well now a UK based company has gone one better and flown their own drinks into Space and that’s not all.

Beyond NRG, creators of health-focused energy supplements for gamers took their newest flavour – Space Rocks – (tastes of ‘Sugar-Coated Gummy’) and wanted to go one step further than ever before, by flying six of their new tubs into space, claiming the title of ‘first-ever gaming energy drink sent into space’. As awesome as that sounds, it gets even better, as after the 8,768 seconds long journey that took them 33,190m above the earth, they began a slow descent back down to the solid ground, only to be scooped up and popped on the internet, ready for six very lucky (slightly wild) fans to come along and bag themselves their very own piece of history.

NRG Space drink

From conception, Beyond NRG has been about exploration, and breaking boundaries. The team of science buffs behind the brand have developed a distinctive nootropic stack that contains a series of natural ingredients that are known to improve blood flow, enhance cognitive function, reduce stress and relieve anxiety. Plus, they have included these nootropics at a significantly higher level than in other energy drinks, so you get the maximum benefit from the next-gen ingredients – making you an intergalactic gamer (or a very bold astronaut, whichever is your bag).

So how do you get in on this outer space ingestion action I hear you cry?

Well, the launch footage of the Space Rocks scurrying through our atmosphere will be aired on Friday 27th August at 6 pm BST on the Beyond NRG website, and you can apply to win one of the six special (sugar-coated gummy flavoured) Space Rocks tubs that have been to Space. Want a piece of history in your collection? Want to give someone something out of this world? Get online at and submit your entry!

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