Vodafone TechTeam
0 3 mins 5 yrs

Vodafone has today announced a new tech support service that means anyone (not just Vodafone customers) can book a free 30-minute video or phone chat with an expert to help them navigate tricky tech issues. The new service is part of Vodafone’s continued efforts to keep everyone connected, including more vulnerable groups in society who aren’t able to come into the store. The new service reflects the way customers are now looking to access technical support – since re-opening its stores after lockdown, Vodafone has seen that customers want to continue to access this support remotely.  This service makes it quick and easy to access the help needed.

Vodafone TechTeam

Booking is simple. All people need to do is visit our store locator on the Vodafone website and book for a Tech Team advisor to call them back via video chat or phone. This will typically happen the same day (subject to availability). The services are free and the advisors should be able to fix a range of issues, from simple things such as installing apps and connecting new devices to more complex tasks such as a phone flash (changing or upgrading operating systems) or a full reboot.

Max Taylor, Consumer Director, Vodafone UK said: “Since we re-opened our stores, we’ve seen customers come into stores to buy and collect their phones, but noticed they are keen to continue accessing our Tech Team’s services online. Up until now, we’ve been managing this through webchats, but now we are launching a new, personal service with our Tech Team experts from stores video calling people who need help. It is really easy to book and we are delighted to be able to offer the service not only to Vodafone customers but also to anyone else who may need help. This is all part of our commitment to keep everyone connecting.”

The phone and video chats will be able to help with:

• General Software issues
• App functionality
• Connectivity issues – Bluetooth or WiFi
• Phone flash & reboot
• General technical queries
• Support connecting to other household devices
• Live demonstrations of devices (video chat only)
• Tutorials and How-to sessions (video chat only)

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